Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay along with legal and human rights experts at the Centre for Democracy, Pluralism and Human Rights report launch.
By — Shyamal Sinha
The President of the Central Tibetan Administration released a human rights report published by the New Delhi-based Centre for Democracy, Pluralism and Human Rights at the Constitution Club of India in Delhi earlier today.
The Centre for Democracy, Pluralism and Human Rights consists of a robust team consisting of university academics, legal experts, community volunteers involved in promoting and advocating for human rights, basic freedom, equality, justice and dignity to all irrespective of gender, religion, class or caste.
Experts from the field of legal and human rights led by Chief guest, Dr Lobsang Sangay President, Central Tibetan Administration, Guests of Honour, Justice K.G. Balakrishnan Former Chief Justice of India Former Chairperson, NHRC of India, Prof. Paramjit Singh Jaswal VC, SRM University, Sonepat Former VC, RG National University of Law, Punjab, Dr Prerna Malhotra President, CDPHR, Dr Ravindra Gupta Principal, PGDAV College, Delhi University, Adv. Sandeep Mahapatra Trustee, CDPHR were present at the launch.
Speaking as the chief guest of the ceremony, Dr Sangay noted how China’s presence in most of the neighbouring countries from Tibet, to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka comes as no surprise, adding “President Xi Jinping has declared socialism with Chinese characteristics as the vision for China and the whole world and China’s dream is another of his vision based on which they want to ideologically dominate the world, specifically on human rights.”
Sikyong told ,Tibet as known today is only a fraction of the historical mainland of Tibet. The Chinese have created a façade by giving the autonomous region of Tibet, which is what is left of Tibet after its repeated geographical divisions, an autonomy nonexistent in practice. People in Tibet demand the unification of all the parts, which were historically part of Tibet, and post that want complete political, economic and religious freedom.
“If you look at the 15 UN agencies, 5 are headed by Chinese officials because China happens to be the second-largest donor to the UN after America by which they can appoint their personnel. China also happens to be the largest borrower of the World Bank, at least 2 years ago. They get a loan at a low-interest rate from the World Bank, more than a billion or two and they donate 100 million dollars to the UN and they can appoint their personnel,” he said explaining how China manoeuvres its UN membership status to redefine human rights and restructure the UN body.
Dr Sangay while appreciating the efforts made by the Centre in bringing out the report urged that there should be a greater awareness drive needed in the universities in terms of Tibetan studies.
“The Indians, particularly the younger generation, should pay more attention to the study of Tibet and understanding Tibet better is only in the interest of Indians,” signed off Dr Sangay.
Sikyong cited the recent World Freedom Index published by Freedom House which ties Tibet with Syria, indicating a marked deterioration in human rights abuses the last year in order to highlight the lack of media coverage of Tibet’s plight in comparison with Syria and the suppression of journalistic freedom.
He challenged the justification of poverty alleviation that is used as a ruse for Sinicization goals citing the reports of Adrien Zenz who revealed the labour militarization programme in Xinjiang and Tibet and ironically used by China to claim victory of its policies, in turn, applauded by the Human Rights Council which favours China’s account over Tibet.
Calling for global coalitions to contain China’s threats, he suggested a united approach to counter China, rather than individual countries engaging in a ‘tit for tat’ response with China.
Other legal and Human rights experts also spoke on human rights violation being perpetrated in these countries.
The gross human violation in Tibet is not a new story and is not hidden from anyone despite the media ban and propagandistic approach adopted by the Chinese government to have control of one’s destiny is the luxury Tibetans don’t have. Young People are abducted from the tribal regions of Tibet and are inducted into PLA (People’s Liberation Army), who are then sent to various regions of mainland China wherein they go through the process of political re-engineering; approximately half a million people have already been inducted in PLA from Tibet tribal regions and they are being engineered to serve the agenda of communist China.
One of the major internationally recognized research organization has stated the conditions being equally worse as that in Syria.
Following the event, President Dr Sangay embarked on his official tour across Tibetan settlements in South India beginning with Kollegal Dhondenling Tibetan Settlement scheduled on Saturday.
Sikyong addresses the gathering.

Interaction with the press.
At the end of his speech Lobsang Sangay told,The Tibetan Support and Policy Act of 2020 passed by the US Congress this year is a landmark victory for the People of Tibet and their struggle. This bill acknowledges the struggle of the people of Tibet against the brutal and oppressive Chinese occupation and is in solidarity with six million Tibetans who are suffering inside Tibet.