Home BREAKING NEWS European Buddhist Union Calls on Chinese Government to Stop Interfering in Tibetan...

European Buddhist Union Calls on Chinese Government to Stop Interfering in Tibetan Buddhist Affairs


Brussels: In a declaration adopted unanimously during its Annual General Meeting on 24 September 2023, the European Buddhist Union (EBU) calls on the Chinese government not to interfere in Tibetan Buddhist affairs, namely the recognition of the reincarnation of high lamas, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The EBU affirms that the selection of reincarnation of Tibetan Lamas, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the prerogative of the Tibetan people and Ganden Phodrang, which should be done in accordance with Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The EBU also urges the international community not to recognise any Lama appointed by the Chinese authority.

In addition, they also called on the Chinese government to resume dialogue with the representatives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in order to resolve the Sino-Tibetan conflict.

Representative Rigzin Genkhang, welcoming the timely initiative, expressed her appreciation to the EBU for endorsing His Holiness’ view on the matter.

This comes on the heels of the Chinese government’s recent promulgation of the “Administrative Measures for Religious Activity Venues” also known as “Order number 19” that came into effect on 01 September 2023, which will further intensify the ongoing religious repression in Tibet and elsewhere in China. This is part of a series of measures the PRC has introduced and implemented targeting Tibetan Buddhism to meet their political ends.

The EBU is an international umbrella association of Buddhist organisations and national Buddhist unions in Europe.

The five-point declaration can be read below.

-Report filed by OoT Brussels 


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