By Shyamal Sinha

The Venerable Guan Cheng has been Abbot of our temple and President of the Society’s Board of Directors since 1999. Born in Hong Kong, the Venerable has studied Buddhism for more than forty years. In 1981, he founded the International Buddhist Society with five other devout Buddhists in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. Today, the International Buddhist Temple is run by the Society, and known world-wide as a landmark of Mahayana Buddhism and traditional Chinese architecture.
After studying Buddhism for decades, the Venerable Guan Cheng was ordained as a monk in 1999 by the Venerable Master Xu Lang and other Sangha, at Miao Fa Monastery in the United States. Since then, the Venerable Guan Cheng has traveled all over the world, administering the Society’s charities and holding lectures in both English and Chinese. He also handles the daily affairs of the International Buddhist Temple. Most recently, he was chosen as one of the two delegates for Canada at the First World Buddhist Forum held in Hangzhou, China, with tremendous support from the Chinese government
Many city people deal with chronic stress and worry from work, school, family, marriage, and interpersonal relationships. Are you currently experiencing anxiety or stress from any of these? Living in an increasingly results-oriented and materialistic society can cause many of us to experience negative emotions, such as depression, anxiety, and fear. How can we learn to manage and overcome these difficult emotions? In this lecture, Venerable Guan Cheng teaches you how to free yourself from your emotions and worries through the simple yet powerful practice of meditation and mindfulness.
Ven. Guan Cheng is the abbot of the International Buddhist Temple and a renowned teacher in the Mahayana tradition. He speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, and English fluently. The Venerable hosts a weekday Dharma talk program on the local Chinese radio station AM 1320 in Vancouver, Canada, and on the Metroshowbiz FM 99.7 radio station in Hong Kong. He is also a columnist for Hong Kong’s Buddhist Compassion Magazine and is the published author of four books.
in Chinese: Happiness Originates from the Mind (2003), How to Attain Happiness by Appeasing One’s Mind (2004), Prajna-Paramita Hirdya Sutra Commentary (2006), and A Bouquet of Incense from the Heart (2006).
Free admission, registration is required.
Time: 14:00–17:00, Saturday, 25 March 2017
Thanks for helping me to see things in a dirfefent light.
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