By Staff Writer

New Delhi: His Holiness the Dalai Lama today delivered the keynote address at the annual memorial lecture for late veteran Indian journalist Rajendra Mathur. The memorial was organized by Editors Guild of India today at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library auditorium, New Delhi.
Kalyani Shankar, treasurer of Editors Guild of India welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama followed by inaugural speech by Raj Chengappa, President of Editors Guild of India.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama narrated on the evolution of Tibetan democracy: from theocracy to a fully modern democracy. His Holiness said, “I retired fully and handed over my political authority in 2011 to a political leadership directly elected by people”.

While speaking on Indian democracy, His Holiness remarked, “India is the most populated democracy in the world, but it is more stable compared to its neighbouring countries. Today ,India is the only country with diverse religious beliefs and yet finding communal harmony,” His Holiness remarked.
His Holiness stressed that the role of media is to inform and educate people on what is happening around, but that should be objective; based on truth and facts.. Media should not be biased and discard any group, community or party affiliations. It should work for the people.
His Holiness further spoke on the rich, ancient Indian knowledge based on the teachings of Nalanda University and urged Indians to incorporate the imparting of knowledge on inner values from kindergarten level.

“Media have the tendency to flash negative, sensational news and this might lead to degeneration of human values over a period of time. The basic nature of human beings is to be compassionate. Seven billion humans are same, we all crave for mother’s love irrespective of whether we are believer or non-believer. So we must strive to work for the betterment of each other,” His Holiness noted.
He further said, “We must analyse whether the current education system is adequate as the genesis of many of the problems facing the world today are intelligent minds also.”
While speaking on his fourth commitment in life, His Holiness said, “adding to my previous three commitments, my fourth commitment is the revival of ancient Indian knowledge of Nalanda University in India. Chela has to re-educate their Indian guru of their rich knowledge,” he added.

His Holiness admitted with conviction that India can combine modern education of physical needs with ancient Indian knowledge of inner values.
“Ten thousands of Tibetan Buddhist monks are keeping alive the ancient Indian knowledge. This is made possible by Pandit Nehru’s farsighted vision of rebuilding Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in south India. Universities in India should explore and benefit from the the knowledge of those monks”.