Home HEALTH AND SPIRITUALITY Reach For These 12 Ayurveda-Approved Healthy And Cooling Juices This Summer

Reach For These 12 Ayurveda-Approved Healthy And Cooling Juices This Summer


health30-5-2016The hot months of summer are upon us, when the excruciating heat of the sun will cause the pitta dosha in our bodies to rise. This, in turn, causes diseases like sunburn, irritation of the skin, acidity, tanning, mental irritation, and a general lack of interest. There are a whole lot of digestive ailments that occur in the summers, for the very same reason. It is, therefore, crucial to consume the right kinds of food and drinks in the summer, as it is in every season.

Ayurveda recommends avoiding excessively salty, sour, and spicy foods, and including more sweet, bitter, and alkaline-tasting foods in your diet. To quench your thirst in the summers, Ayurveda recommends some delicious and healthy drinks, which have been proven to work wonders on our bodies. What are these drinks? Read on to find out!

1. Coriander Juice

CorianderTo a bunch of coriander leaves, add a glass of water, a small piece of ginger, 2-3 peppercorns, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, as well as sugar and salt as needed.

Grind all of this together, and filter out the liquid.

If needed, add more water to dilute the solution.